Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was sitting on the couch yesterday with the baby sleeping on me, surfing the internet when Oprah came on the tv. I love Oprah. I love her even more after watching yesterday's episode, which kicked off her "Live Your Best Life" week. Much of the show consisted of her sitting in front of a camera and talking about her struggles with her weight and her body image. She showed how the last year's O Magazine covers all showed her from the shoulders up (my preferred photography option, also) because she is so uncomfortable with her body and the weight she has gained. I love Oprah because she is a celebrity, yet she isn't afraid or ashamed to let herself be seen as a normal person with normal struggles. And I find that really inspiring, in this age of supermodels and celebrities who believe a size 8 is "plus-sized".


  1. To be honest, I don't really do Oprah. I don't think I've actually ever seen a full show in my life though. But I appreciate her hustle and what you said about her being a celebrity, yet still open, I can't definitely see and support. The media is definitely to blame for the "plus-size" branding. It seems like that has been changing a little in the past few years, slowly but surely.

  2. Hi Angie!

    I agree, Oprah is one of the few celebrities that doesn't mind revealing her "true self". And that's especially important when this world is portraying grown woman weighing 102 pounds as sexy. It is definitely wonderful when someone of her status decides to really be open to the public.

    Go Oprah!!!
